The Most Updated and Largest Online Background Check Portal

See how and why a background search can be useful to you as an individual making decisions on hiring a nanny or caretakers. Precautions with background searches are vital and important. Easy, simple and instant information with do it yourself help.

Why a nanny or caretaker background check?

Taking every precaution can be crucial when looking to hire a nanny.

Whether your purpose is to hire a nanny for your child or a caretaker for the elderly, disabled, part time or full time. Make better informed decisions with Background Searches that can offer information before the applicant is hired as opposed to cameras or supervision that can only show the person's conduct after being hired.

When conducting a background search in addition to other precautions, you are not limited to criminal records or sex offender information. You can check any and all records available or any specific record you are seeking such as licenses, certifications, as well as other records you believe can help in hiring the right person.

View coverages, prices/quotes and other information by linking to companies conducting the search. As many nannies may require a foreign country background search, some companies can offer international searches. Make your nanny task easier and more thorough. There are many instances where a Background Check can be crucial.

Companies looking to hire additional personnel at any level. An employee's conduct can affect productivity as well as morale of co-workers, therefore, a potential employee's history can be helpful in making an informative decision when considering the applicant.