Town of Cameron, West Virginia, most updated and largest online public and criminal records portal.


West Virginia Public Records Search

Cameron, West Virginia is known for its historic downtown area, which features a variety of shops, restaurants, and other attractions. The city council is composed of five members, who are elected to serve four-year terms. The council meets on the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The council is responsible for setting the city's budget, enacting ordinances, and appointing members to various boards and commissions. Below are direct public records resources that can help you find the most up-to-date information.

What is the process for someone who is arrested in Cameron, Marshall County, West Virginia to go through the jail and court system?

If you get arrested in Cameron, Marshall County, West Virginia, you would go to the Marshall County Jail and the Marshall County Courthouse.

What publicly accessible records can be obtained from the Cameron, Marshall County, West Virginia Library?

The Cameron Public Library in Marshall County, West Virginia, offers access to public records. The library has a variety of resources available, including local newspapers, census records, and other public records.