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Using the free links below, find the meaning of words with the online dictionary, access an online thesaurus; hear the word spoken, find word games, words of the day, crossword puzzles and scramblers. Use the online translating service. Using professional translators, the multi-lingual online dictionary changes words or phrases from one language into another. The dictionary of ASL, American Sign Language, offers animated and text definitions to sign language words and phrases. Locate a word, read how to sign it, or watch the video demonstration. Access the largest online dictionary and search engine for computer, internet, and technology definitions. Find terms of the day, pronunciations, and find the Top Search Terms, such as proxy, SSL, RAID, OEM, CPU, VPN, and more, and their meanings.

Encyclopedia and Dictionary

  • Merriam Webster
    Online search, Spanish to English, thesaurus, medical, top ten lists
  • Encyclopedia Britannica
    History, society, arts, entertainment, travel and geography
  • InfoPlease
    Dictionary of phrase and fable, frequently misspelled and mispronounced words, writing help, spelling check
  • OneLook
    Find definitions, find translations, search all dictionaries, reverse dictionary
  • Oxford English
    The definitive record of the English language, learning resources
  • YourDictionary
    Grammar and reference articles, English as a second language, word definitions
    Popular words, common misspellings, featured medical terms, translator
  • Multilingual Translation Portal
    Logos childrens dictionary and library, conjugator, quotes, word translator
  • American Sign Language Terms
    Basic alphabet, numbers, word definitions, animated and text definitions, sign images
  • Webopedia
    Online computer dictionary and search engine for internet technology definitions