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Public Records Search

Using the free links below, access the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for information on more than 2.5 million organizations, both business and charity. Check out a business, file a complaint against a business, or find a local BBB. Access an Internet and Telemarketing Fraud Watch, report suspected fraud, file an online complaint or call the Fraud Hot-line toll-free telephone number provided. Obtain information on how to defer, deflect and defend against internet identity theft. Find out what to do if your identity has been stolen. Receive practical tips from the Federal Government and the technology industry on how to guard against internet fraud, how to secure your computer, and protect your personal information. Free consumer information and reports. Precautions against internet identity theft, file a complaint against a business, telemarketing Fraud Watch, report suspected fraud, what to do if your identity has been stolen, how to secure your computer and protect your personal information. Practical tips from the Federal Government and the technology industry.

Fraud resources

  • Better Business Bureau
    Visit the BBB nearest you in the US or Canada, use the directory to find a BBB location
  • National Fraud Information Center
    Online complaint form for victims of fraud, scams against elderly and businesses, counterfeit drugs
  • Identity Theft Resources
    Action to take if your information is stolen, Federal Trade Commission recommendations to deter, detect and defend against identity theft
  • Center For Identity Theft
    Resolve medical, financial and workplace identity theft, get scam alerts, data breach list
  • Fraud Info
    Reports on worldwide anti fraud and abuse, detection and prevention resources
  • Fight Identity Theft
    Fighting through protection, detection and recovery actions
  • Dot Con
    PBS Frontline results of investigation into internet business investments and banking industry fraud
  • Identity Theft Center
    Victim resources, fact sheets on financial identity theft, file a police report, order a credit report
  • Consumer Report
    Free consumer information about automobiles, telephones, travel, education, money and credit
  • Internet Auction Fraud
    File a complaint about internet related crimes with federal authorities